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3 Reasons Potatoes are the Perfect Weight Loss Food

Yes, you heard that right. Eating more potatoes is THE BEST way to lose weight and stay slim for life.

No, not mashed potatoes with butter. Not deep fried potatoes, either.

I’m talking about whole natural potatoes cooked without oil.

Ever since I started eating potatoes and sweet potatoes almost every single day, keeping my 30+ pound weight loss maintained has been EASY. I don’t even have to think about it because I know I won’t gain weight eating this way.

Here are 5 reasons potatoes are truly the perfect weight loss food:

They keep you fuller, longer. Potatoes are the most satiating food – and at only 350 calories per pound, it’s almost impossible to “over-indulge” in them. They are full of fiber and water – the key components of low calorie density foods.

They are versatile! Baked, boiled, mashed, steamed, etc… It’s hard to get bored of eating them because you can prepare them in so many ways. I’ve even made low calorie density sauces and pudding with potatoes!

They are inexpensive! You can buy a 10-pound bag for $5 where I live in Arizona. They can also be found almost everywhere around the World, so if you’re traveling, you won’t have to look far to get your hands on some potatoes.

I could go on and on and probably write a list of 20+ reasons – but the 3 I’ve just listed should be enough to convince you to eat more potatoes! If weight loss is your goal, look no further than a big bag of potatoes! I’m living proof of the starchy truth!


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